Heretic's Dream - Floating State Of Mind (English)

Skrevet af José Eduardo Amorim Pascoa Santana
Floating State Of Mind by Heretic’s Dream is an entertaining mix of metal, hard and progressive rock, with tight beats. Even though some songs in the first half of the album fall short of the quality in the second half, every song in Heretic’s Dream’s album brings something new to the table.

While many styles are meshed in Floating State of Mind, the instruments and vocals’ mixing and mastering are consistantly great and keep up the band’s sound quality through and through. “Master Your Demons”, “Momentum” and “Secret Place” are great tunes that embody Heretic’s Dream’s originality, “Golden Cage” must have one of the best intros I have heard in a long time, and “A New Season” brings a bittersweet end to the album.

The album unfortunately doesn’t come without its flaws, even though they are few and far between. The backing vocals, while sometimes great, mostly seem thrown in to add production value instead of intentionally there from the moment the song was written. Additionally, a few songs that have heavier metal riffs regrettably have issues in keeping momentum as the songs progress changing from lighter to heavier sounds.

Floating State of Mind is full of charisma and dynamic sounds and it may not be for the light-hearted rock newbies, but those who have been around long enough should give Heretic’s Dream’s new album a shot.
Floating State Of Mind is released on February 12th on Sliptrick Records.
 (4 ud af 6)
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