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3. februar 2009
Interview with Johnny Rainbow from Skull Daze

Johnny Rainbow Skull Daze (picture by Serena Dattilo)
Calle: How did the band get together?
Johnny: Well we started it all back in summer 2007,I was playin guitar in another band at the time but I was sick of it cuz I always wanted to be a frontman, so I pushed down my best friend Englesschrei to buy a bass and start a band together. The funny thing was that he was not able to play it, so I gave him some tricks. Later on we met Acey (guitar) who were looking for a rock n roll band and he introduced us Ico on Drums, so the line up was set, and that’s how we started.
Calle: What got you into music in the first place?
Johnny: I always got into music since I was a little kid. I remember my mother and father listening to rock band like bon jovi, billy idol, Europe , black Sabbath, deep purple and stuff like that, but It took me up seriously when I was 11 when I first saw a metal video on tv.
Calle: Who are your biggest influences?
Johnny: Motley crue, definitely ,I cannot forget the first time I saw the “looks that kill” video on tv I was shocked!
Calle: Name 3 “older” bands and 3 “newer” bands you can recommend?
The Ramones
Motley Crue
Hardcore Superstar
Skull daze :P

Calle: Earlier this year you released your second EP “Dangertainment” with the new line up. How has the response from the critics and the fans been?
Johnny: Very good, the new line up just gaved us exactly what we were looking for a long time. Everything seem to work out finally and this is a big goal for us.
Calle: When can we expect your first full-length CD to come out?
Johnny: Hmm we’re planning to do our full length this year but I can’t tell no more right now.
Calle: Where do you find the inspiration for the songs?
Johnny: I personally take it from all the situation around me and my lifestyle, for example the song “sex drugs n rock n roll” is about the teenager frustration of being pushed down in the corner by the masses when you’re close in your internal little world and no one seems to understand you or what are goin to happen to you, and all you got is music.

Calle: If you could chose one song you wish you had written, which song would that be, and why?
Johnny: “Heaven” Brian Adams, the most beautiful song I ever heard
Calle: What bands have you been on tour with or played with?
Johnny: We played with lots of local bands here but also we opened for Babylon bombs.
Calle: If you get the chance to open for or go on tour with a “big” band, who would you like that to be?
Johnny: Well I don’t know the other guys but I will die to open for Motley Crue.
Calle: Do you have any plans of touring Europe soon?
Johnny: Yeah we’re planning some gigs in germany and Switzerland at the moment, and we’re tryin to get booked somewhere else.

(picture by Serena Dattilo)
Calle: What can the fans expect when they go see Skull Daze live?
Johnny: Raw energetic pissed off rock n roll! everybody’s talk about our live show cuz everytime we play, something’s happen and I swear to god it’s true.
Calle: What’s the largest and smallest crowd you have played in front of?
Johnny: Hmm the smallest was at the “fuze” (Tivoli ) where we played in front on a bounch of people and the largest was at the Jailbreak on January the 5th,there was 200 people watching.
Pictures from Jailbreak on January 5th
(All live pictures by Fefé)

Calle: What’s the must fun experience you have had at a concert?
Johnny: Me and acey drunk on stage one of the last gig we had, it was so funny how acey continuing to drink from a song to another and he was totally out of that. I was drunk too but I was ok you know, but acey, oh well, also he fall from the stage at the end of the show and he come back with a black eye. That was totally cool.
Calle: What’s the best concert you have been to yourself?
Johnny: The best ones was the first time I saw motley crue at the reinuon tour they had back in 2005. For me it’s like a dream come true, I was expecting that since I first got into music and it was incredible, I was in the third row under nikki. One of the best memories in my life.
Calle: You come from Rome Italy . How will you describe the music scene there and in Italy in general?
Johnny: Hmmmm pretty complicated....
Calle: How would you describe your music to people who don’t know you?
Johnny: It’s like a fist in your face, and when you will get it, you can’t get enough. Also If you like old 80’s rock bands and stuff like that, you will like us.
Calle: How would you describe each member of the band in only 3 words?
Johnny: This will be funny to do...
Acey: dead, drunk & wasted
Englesschrei: funny, burpy, mad
Dan: noisy, serious, great
Diego: crazy, crazy, crazy

Acey (guitar) Englesshrei (Bass) Dan (guitar)

Diego (drums) Johnny (vocals)
(all potraits by Serena Dattilo)
Calle: If you could put together your dream band, who would be in it?
Johnny: I will put together the misfits original line up with Glenn Danzig
Calle: Where do you see Skull Daze in 10 years?
Johnny: 5 albums, long touring and me living in california
Calle: What’s the best advice you can give to other up-coming bands?
Johnny: Don’t’ give up, and trust yourself only
And now some questions outside music:
Johnny: “Fear of the dark” by Iron Maiden
Calle: What was the latest CD/LP you bought?
Johnny: Hmmm I don’t remember
Calle: What do you do when you’re not playing music?
Johnny: I like to hang out with my friends and the band, clubbin and fuckin around.
Calle: What’s your favorite drink?
Johnny: I like vodka lemon so much.
Calle: What education do you have?
Johnny: I was too cool for school...
Johnny - to cool for school ..
.. but cool enough for R'n'R

Calle: What do you know about Denmark ?
Johnny: I’m a huge fan of Danish butter cookies. I love ‘em.

Calle: Any last words for the fans?
Johnny: Rock n roll!!!
The End
- Hits: 974506
- callerock@gmail.com