Sinner - One Bullet Left
Stilen er gennemført 80'er - 90'er Metal/Hard Rock, hvilket jo ikke er så underligt, men det jeg mener er at det lyder gennemsolidt og ægte. De prøver ikke at lyde retro - de er bare Sinner...
Der er 3 guitarer med, men de kan sagtens finde ud af ikke at snuble over hinanden eller at ha den altødelæggende "mig mig mig" attitude - de har formået at få en god og fyldig guitar-sound ud af det. Vokalen er rå og stærk, som den bør være i sådan et band og back-up vokaler og harmoni-vokalerne ligger lige i skabet og man kan godt høre at Sinner's musiske kærlighed må ligge hos Thin Lizzy dog uden at det lyder som plat efterligning. Der er en god ballance mellem instumenterne og sangen er tydelig gennem hele cd'en.
Der er selvfølgelig en ballade med, men det er ok, for den er flot og vedkommende med god power på stemme og guitar, og så slutter albummet også af med en halv-ballade - en ganske pæn afslutning og det hele føles som en helhed synes jeg. Hvis man skulle gå hen og blive filosofisk kunne man sammenligne albummet med et livsforløb. Der startes med knald, så fuld power på alle sanser, lidt stille midtlivskrise, så gang i den igen og så en rolig afslutning... men det er nok at overfortolke... ;O)
Hver gang jeg har gennemlyttet albummet har jeg haft følelsen af at det var tilpas med de 12 numre. Man når ikke at blive overmæt og man føler sig heller ikke snydt, hvilket faktisk er en kunst i sig selv. Jeg har dog heller ikke haft lyst til at trykke på repeat, men ventet et par timer eller en dags tid før næste gennemlytning.
Alt i alt et flot stykke arbejde - Horns up
One Bullet Left er udkommet via AFF-Records
(5 ud af 6)
Review by Lars: 25-11-2011
The German 80's metal band Sinner is back in great style with a new album One Bullet Left The CD is shot started .. literally with ... a gunshot ... and one could fear that, that's that, but after the first album listening. I could see that it was false advertising. There was not only one shot back, but 12 good shots, many of which are direct bulls-eye.
What surprised me the most may be their tribute to Phil Lynott "Back on trail." It could actually very well have been a Thin Lizzy tune - (and then I have been on youtube and watched the video. and of course they played on a black Fender bass with mirror pickguard in the well known Phil Lynott way.
The style is pure 80's - 90's Metal / Hard Rock, which of course is not so surprising, but what I think is that it sounds through solid and genuine. They're not trying to sound retro - they are just Sinner ...
There are 3 guitars in the band, but they can easily find out not to stumble over one another or to have the devastating "me me me" attitude - they have managed to get a good, rich guitar sound out of it. The vocals are rough and strong as it should be in such a band and back-up vocals and harmony vocals are spot on and you can
easily hear Sinner's musical love must lie with Thin Lizzy, however, without sounding as dull imitation. There is a good ballance between the instuments, and the song is crystal clear throughout the CD.
There is surely a ballad, but it's ok because it is beautiful and meaningful with good power in the voice and guitars. The album ends, also with a semi-ballad - quite a neat finish and it all feels like a complete work I think.
If you had to go and be philosophical, one could compare the album with a lifetime. It started with a bang, then the full power of all senses, a little quiet mid life crisis, so once again living life at the most, and then a quiet end ... maybe it is to over-interpret ... ; O)
Every time I've listened through the album, I had the feeling that it was comfortable with the 12 numbers. One will not be super satiated but on the other hand you'll not feeling cheated either, which actually is an art in itself. However, I have not wanted to press the repeat button, but waited a few hours or a day or so before the next listening.
All in all a great job - horns up
What surprised me the most may be their tribute to Phil Lynott "Back on trail." It could actually very well have been a Thin Lizzy tune - (and then I have been on youtube and watched the video. and of course they played on a black Fender bass with mirror pickguard in the well known Phil Lynott way.
The style is pure 80's - 90's Metal / Hard Rock, which of course is not so surprising, but what I think is that it sounds through solid and genuine. They're not trying to sound retro - they are just Sinner ...
There are 3 guitars in the band, but they can easily find out not to stumble over one another or to have the devastating "me me me" attitude - they have managed to get a good, rich guitar sound out of it. The vocals are rough and strong as it should be in such a band and back-up vocals and harmony vocals are spot on and you can
easily hear Sinner's musical love must lie with Thin Lizzy, however, without sounding as dull imitation. There is a good ballance between the instuments, and the song is crystal clear throughout the CD.
There is surely a ballad, but it's ok because it is beautiful and meaningful with good power in the voice and guitars. The album ends, also with a semi-ballad - quite a neat finish and it all feels like a complete work I think.
If you had to go and be philosophical, one could compare the album with a lifetime. It started with a bang, then the full power of all senses, a little quiet mid life crisis, so once again living life at the most, and then a quiet end ... maybe it is to over-interpret ... ; O)
Every time I've listened through the album, I had the feeling that it was comfortable with the 12 numbers. One will not be super satiated but on the other hand you'll not feeling cheated either, which actually is an art in itself. However, I have not wanted to press the repeat button, but waited a few hours or a day or so before the next listening.
All in all a great job - horns up
One Bullet Left is out on AFM-Records
(5 ud af 6)
Listen to Sinner: